Growth Calculator

Growth Analysis
Growth analysis is a kid's developing pattern and is analyzed over months with specific indicators as milestones of perfect growth. It involves emotional, biological, and psychological issues that occur during the growth period of a kid. Every parent should check for the symptoms of child health problems and consult a pediatrician if they do not follow the expected growth pattern. The best child specialist in Chandigarh further explains the various signs for parents to keep watch as per the age of children -

Upto 6 weeks
By the age of 6 weeks, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a professional pediatrician.

Upto 3 months
By the age of 3 months, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.

Upto 6 months
By the age of 6 months, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.

Upto 9 months
By the age of 9 months, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.

Upto 15 months
By the age of 15 months, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.

Upto 18 months
By the age of 18 months, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.

Upto 2 Years
By the age of 2 years, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.

Upto 5 Years
By the age of 5 years, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.
Common diseases in Kids
Children aren’t weak, but their immunity can be. Empower the child immunity with Homeopathy Medicine.

These are the visible lumps of tissue at the back of the throat on both sides. Also known as tonsils, it's most common in children over age two. According to the pediatrician, the age group varies depending upon the cause of tonsils. When bacteria cause it, the typical age group is 5-15; when the reason is a virus, it occurs in younger kids.
Adenoids are glands located above the roof of the mouth, behind the nose. They serve an essential purpose in young children's immune systems to protect the body from viruses and bacteria. So, they play a vital role in child immunity development. Enlarged Adenoid glands due to infection may cause difficulty in breathing in young children.

Recurrent Cough & Cold
Chronic cough is one of the five most common reasons kids visit the pediatrician. The cause of this could be due to more severe conditions like Asthma, Nasal and sinus disease (sinusitis), Acid Reflux, Post-viral/bacterial infection, Habit cough.

Asthma is a chronic or long-term condition that intermittently inflames and narrows the airways in the lungs. The inflammation makes the airways swell. Childhood asthma (pediatric asthma) is the most common chronic disease in infants and children, and the majority of kids who develop asthma do so before the age of five.
Wheat Allergies
When the body's immune system treats harmless proteins found in wheat as a threat to the body by mistake, this causes an allergic reaction. It then releases chemicals such as histamine to prevent this threat, which it thinks is an infection. These chemicals can cause a variety of symptoms of allergy.

Intestinal Worms
Millions of children have worms living inside their bodies, in part called 'the intestines' where our bodies digest the food we eat. Different kinds of worms can live in a body like roundworms, whipworms, and hookworm. Worms can make a person feel ill or weak, and they can cause stomach aches, coughs, fever, and sickness.
Disability Disorders
Disability disorders is an umbrella term for a wide variety of problems that many children face. It is not an issue of intelligence or motivation to do something rather how they process or receive the information. They are also highly intelligent; it's just that their brain works in its way.
This can slow their ability to learn, process things, and then to use them in life. The best child specialist in Chandigarh suggests that parents should try to differentiate when they are lazy or have problems even after working very hard. Sometimes the behavior and emotions can tell a lot; one must pay attention to specific changes and consult a pediatrician.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a problem that affects a child's nervous system and growth and development. It often shows up during a child's first 3 years of life. Children with autism usually experience difficulty in three main areas: social interaction, social communication, and imagination, and cognitive flexibility.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder typically diagnosed during childhood. Symptoms include an inability to pay attention, Hyper activeness, and Impulsiveness. It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at school or work and may also lead to drug/alcohol addiction as a mechanism to cope with symptoms.
Down Syndrome
Down syndrome is the most common and readily identifiable chromosomal condition associated with intellectual and physical disabilities. A chromosomal abnormality development resulting in 47 instead of the usual 46 chromosomes causes this condition. This extra chromosome changes the orderly development of the body and brain of the person. Its other name is trisomy 21.
Dyslexia is a neurologically-based condition that affects word-level reading accuracy, reading fluency, and spelling. It is often known as an unexpected difficulty in learning to read. Symptoms include difficulty in Phonological Awareness, Verbal memory, Rapid serial naming, Verbal processing speed.
Dyspraxia directly affects the motor skills in a person. Motor skills control the movement and coordination in our body. This condition in kids leads to bumping into things or having trouble holding a spoon or tying the shoelaces. Other problems associated with dyspraxia include speech difficulties, difficulty with eye movements, etc.
Dyscalculia affects a person's ability to do mathematics. It can take many forms and have different symptoms from person to person. In young children, dyscalculia may influence learning to count and recognize numbers. As a kid gets older, he may have trouble solving fundamental math problems.
Short Height Disorder
A human body usually develops its height until the age of 18 years. In some cases, children lack the proper growth and suffer from a shorter size. This situation breaks down the confidence in them, which could further lead to significant adverse effects psychologically. People have various notions and misconceptions regarding height growth and experiment with multiple methods to gain height in their children, starting from stretching, swimming, basketball weighted hanging, consuming various health drinks to tablets, and even surgical procedures.
None of this helps; instead, it’s the NUTRIENT FLOW that develops them and helps in their vertical growth when flowing correctly into the larger bones. And with Homeopathy medicine, the child doctor can help restore the nutrient flow and lead them to the desired height and required confidence.
Short Height Disorder
A human body usually develops its height until the age of 18 years. In some cases, children lack the proper growth and suffer from a shorter size. This situation breaks down the confidence in them, which could further lead to significant adverse effects psychologically. People have various notions and misconceptions regarding height growth and experiment with multiple methods to gain height in their children, starting from stretching, swimming, basketball weighted hanging, consuming various health drinks to tablets, and even surgical procedures.
None of this helps; instead, it’s the NUTRIENT FLOW that develops them and helps in their vertical growth when flowing correctly into the larger bones. And with Homeopathy medicine, the child doctor can help restore the nutrient flow and lead them to the desired height and required confidence.
Homeoclinic Approach
Every kid is Unique. Some kids are comfortable meeting strangers while the other shun away from them. Every kid reacts to reprimand as per the sensitivity; for instance, a small stare can make him feel bad and leads to him weeping while some children get aggressive, and as a sign of rebuke, they may show a fist or even hit back. Hence these reactions individualize the person.
To understand how the kid is unique, we, at HomeoClinic, give importance to child care. Therefore, we individualize him to treat at the root level while working our way upward to holistic healing at the physical and behavioral levels.
Homeoclinic Approach
Every kid is Unique. Some kids are comfortable meeting strangers while the other shun away from them. Every kid reacts to reprimand as per the sensitivity; for instance, a small stare can make him feel bad and leads to him weeping while some children get aggressive, and as a sign of rebuke, they may show a fist or even hit back. Hence these reactions individualize the person.
To understand how the kid is unique, we, at HomeoClinic, give importance to child care. Therefore, we individualize him to treat at the root level while working our way upward to holistic healing at the physical and behavioral levels.
Law of Individualization
The Law of individualization makes homeopathy stand out from other systems of medicine. To treat the disease from its root, we must understand how the condition started, what triggered it, and the cursor’s precursor. Therefore, the child doctor has to understand the kid as a whole by going through history and understanding different reactions to different past circumstances. As rightly said, the basis of an individual’s response is its genetic code, and to decode the same, we have to individualize.
One generation of antibiotics fails to help the individuals, and then pharma’s work to come out with the next generation. Time is not far when the individual sensitivity of drugs will be checked and prescribed. In times to come, even the allopathic system will follow its course following the individualization. The pediatrician at HomeoClinic took the treatment one notch higher by amalgamating the natural science with technology. With the assistance of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in understanding a child’s behavior and tracking its history with the disease, we make sure that a patient is studied thoroughly and examining the condition.
CBS (Child Behaviour Study)
HomeoClinic believes in observing the kid’s behavior before initiating any treatment, helping us reach the problem’s root cause. With an innovative approach towards reading a person’s behavior, the best child specialist in Chandigarh has introduced a Child Behaviour Study facility to analyze the behavior pattern and instincts of a kid under excellent supervision with cameras and supporting staff. This facility has helped us understand children’s extreme behaviors that otherwise, we do not come across regularly and heal many cases with complete recovery.
Most innovative science over the year’s well-proven approach
Customized and integrated treatment solutions from Cough-Cold to Cancers
Dedicated, individualized patient management
Dedicated, individualized patient management
Highly sophisticated researched software with the most verified data for the desired results in treating the patients
23 years’ experience, 90000+ smiles, and still counting on
Exclusive Unique Child Behavior Study (CBS) is the first of its kind in the world. This study is the most scientific way to understand the kid’s nature.
HomeoClinic Success
With its unique approach towards treating an individual by the methodology of individualization, HomeoClinic has successfully treated different child health problems. The best child specialist in Chandigarh has helped them recover holistically with the natural substances without any repercussions allowing them to enjoy their childhood. know more