Typhoid Fever or Enteric Fever is a disease of the abdomen that can also affect the spleen, muscles, and liver. Through the bloodstream, the bacteria can travel to parts like the gallbladder, kidneys, and lungs.
It is a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella Typhi Bacteria, which can cause severe damage to the body and, if not treated timely, can sometimes be fatal. It can lead to complications like gastrointestinal perforations (ruptured bowel) and intestinal bleeding. It is a contagious disease, i.e., it can spread from one person to another. Thus, getting the best of treatment and that too on time is really important. Of the numerous medical solutions available, Homeopathy treatment for typhoid fever is one of the most suitable ones.
Spread of the infection
It can spread through –
- contamination of food and drinks with bacteria
- washing the utensils, vegetables, or fruits with contaminated water
- physical touch with the ill
- coming in contact with objects used by an infected person or secretions
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The infection spreads mainly in areas with poor sanitation. It is essential for people living in such areas to maintain hygiene around themselves.
After getting infected, it may take 6 to 30 days to show symptoms. Some of the symptoms one should look out for are –
- fever gradually increases over the days going up-to 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit
- rash, although not every person has a rash, but if they do, it mostly occurs around the neck and abdomen in the form of rose-colored spots. It usually happens between the second and fourth week of being infected
- headache
- constipation
- dry cough
- diarrhea
- abdominal ailments or aches
- muscle pains
- weakness
- fatigue
- sweating
- delirium or confusion
- vomiting
- weight loss or loss of appetite
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Timely treatment is a must to avoid any life-threatening complications that can occur. Homeopathy treatment for typhoid fever can be considered one of the best options. Consult a doctor as soon as any of the symptoms start showing.
The water, food items, personal and environmental hygiene plays an essential role in Enteric Fever’s spread. Hence, we can take some general precautions while traveling or when affected and being treated, such as –
While traveling –
- Washing hands regularly, especially after coming from the outside or before touching your face
- Drinking sealed bottled water or, if not available, boiled water
- Avoiding eating raw fruits and vegetables, especially those that can’t be peeled
- Being wary of getting in contact with things handled by others
- Eating hot food, no cold food or drinks
- Knowing your surroundings and doctors around
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When being treated –
- Avoid having physical contact with people around
- Try and stay in one place, don’t roam around in the house
- Eat nutritious food and follow a proper healthy diet
- Boil water before consumption
- Take medications on time
- Wash hands often
- Avoid handling food for others
Homeopathy Treatment for Typhoid Fever
Even after getting treated for the infection, it’s considerably possible that the patient may still be carrying the bacteria. It becomes difficult to tackle the disease as the person may start neglecting taking precautions in such a situation. Therefore, it’s critical to protect yourself and others by being cautious for some days.
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Enteric Fever can be cured through various medical systems such as ayurvedic, allopathic, and homeopathic. Homeopathy Treatment for Typhoid Fever is an excellent option. As homeopathy treats a person as a whole, medication is only given after examining the symptoms, including the mental and physical symptoms, family history, and various other factors. It helps cure the patient from illness and aids in improving overall health, such as dealing with weakness after getting better, loss of energy, eating habits, etc.
So, as soon as you feel the infection’s effects, consult a doctor, and promptly seek the best medication if diagnosed with the bacterial infection.
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