Grief is the experience of losing someone important to us. It is characterised by grief, which is the process and the range of emotions we go through as we gradually adjust to the loss.
Losing someone important to us can be emotionally devastating – whether that be a partner, family member, friend or pet. It is natural to go through a range of physical and emotional processes as we gradually come to terms with the loss.
Grief affects everyone in different ways, and it’s possible to experience any range of emotions. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Feelings of grief can also happen because of other types of loss or changes in circumstances, for example:
- the end of a relationship
- the loss of a job
- moving away to a new location
- a decline in the physical or mental health of someone we care about
Grieving your loss
Whatever your relationship to the person who died, it’s important to remember that we all grieve in different ways. There’s no single way to react. When you lose someone important in your life, it’s okay to feel how you feel. Some people express their pain by crying, others never shed a tear—but that doesn’t mean they feel the loss any less.
Don’t judge yourself, think that you should be behaving in a different way, or try to impose a timetable on your grief. Grieving someone’s death takes time. For some people, that time is measured in weeks or months, for others it’s in years.
Is homeopathy effective for Grief?
Homeopathy offers a safe and gentle option, providing support for the toughest of times. Of course, it can’t bring back what we mourn, but it can help to stimulate our own ability to process the loss, accept and honour it, and allow us to gently step into a life post-loss.
What are the best homeopathic medicines for Grief?
These 6 Homeopathic medicines described can really make a substantial difference to a person in grief and can help them orientate themselves emotionally.
Homeopathic medicine | Symptoms | Better | Worse |
Acid phos | Headache and confusion Diarrhoea. Cannot collect thoughts. |
Warmth | From conversation |
Arsen alb | Great fear of being left alone |
Heat | In wet weather and cold |
Lachesis | Restless and talks a lot | Warmth – wrapped up |
After sleep |
Nat mur | Depression, fright and anger. |
Open air | Noise; being consoled |
Pulsatilla | Fear of being alone. weepy. | In open air | Heat |
Sepia | Irritable and anxious, especially in the evening |
After exercise | In cold air |
None of the medicines mentioned including services, at homeoclinicbydrnanda.com should be used with clearance from your physician or healthcare provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered ‘incurable’ on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine. The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis.