Hepatitis C Overview
Hepatitis C is a viral infection causing inflammation of the liver by hepatitis C virus. Its severity can range from a mild infection i.e. ‘acute’ that lasts for a few weeks to a serious ‘chronic’ infection that lasts longer.
Signs and symptoms
There are no significant signs or symptoms in chronic Hepatitis C, the long-lasting one. The virus keeps deteriorating the liver until it damages it completely. When the liver is almost damaged entirely then, some signs and symptoms begin to show.
The symptoms may include:
- Slightest wounds bleed easily
- Easy bruising of the skin even from the bluntest objects
- Weakness and fatigue are quite common, almost every other
- Appetite reduced markedly resulting in weight loss
- Jaundice; yellow discoloration of the eyes, skin etc
- Color of urine becomes darker
- Accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity
- Hepatic encephalopathy; speech and drowsiness along with confusion.
- Spider angiomas; the blood vessels become spider-like.
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Causes of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is caused by the virus hepatitis C. When this virus enters the bloodstream of an uninfected person then the infection is caused.
There is a long list of risk factors that can lead to a Hepatitis C infection. Some of the most common causes are listed below:
- The most common route for the virus to enter the body is via infected injection needles.
- Blood screening became available in 1992. Blood transfusions or organ transplants that happened before 1992, can have a viral infection.
- Accidentally touched the needle stick with bare hands. Healthcare workers are most prone to such risky infections.
- The child will also have the infection if the mother was Hepatitis C positive.
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Why is homoeopathic treatment the best cure for Hepatitis C?
After a successful diagnosis of the disease, the patients are prescribed certain antiviral pills, or if the infection has already reached a serious stage then, liver transplantation is suggested.
The medications that the doctors recommend for the Hepatitis C treatment are inorganic, chemical-based drugs that are too hard for the already weakened body to cope with. These medications might cure the infection but their side effects have a prolonged effect on your health for a lifetime.
Therefore, you should switch to a more organic and natural Hepatitis C treatment. With the help of Homoeopathic treatment, you can easily cure the disease without spending lakhs on chemical-based drugs. Also homoeopathic medicines do not have any such side effects.
The deadly chronic Hepatitis C tends to relapse. The conventional methods of medication might not prove to be a relief for all. Whereas, homoeopathy can cure any type of disease and prevent it from relapsing anytime in the future.
Homoeopathic treatment for Hepatitis C occurs sequentially. It begins with analysing the intensity of the disease and then begins the eradication process. It is effective in handling the after-effects of the disease also. It ensures the disease is cured forever and promises to prevent its relapse in the future. It heals your body from the very core and nourishing its damaged parts.
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When should you opt for homoeopathy in case of Hepatitis C?
You can go for homoeopathic treatment for Hepatitis C during the following stages when it proves to be the most effective.
- The early stage is when the treatment kicks out the disease within the first few months itself. It prevents the disease from covering the nearby areas and begins to scourge it from the roots.
- If relapse happens to occur after you went for the conventional methods of treatment, it’s time to try the wonders homoeopathy has in store for you. Homoeopathy after the relapse of this disease can be very effective in completely removing the disease from the body and healing it for a lifetime.
- The patients who do not see any improvement after testing the conventional treatment can also switch to Homoeopathy for Hepatitis C as soon as possible.
- If the Hepatitis has already reached the chronic stage in your body then you should seek homoeopathic remedies. They are gentle and effective.
Essential preventive measures and lifestyle changes
Preventive measures and changes in lifestyle or better said, self-care tips to prevent any viral infection go hand in hand. Therefore, let’s discuss both of them together.
- Every time you go for injections, make sure a fresh syringe is being used.
- Acupunctures or tattooing should be avoided if the sterility of the needle is not confirmed.
- All those items that might be exposed to blood must not be shared.
- Alcohol intake and recreational drugs should not be touched again, at least until the infection is completely out of your body.
- Try to maintain a healthy weight by intake of a balanced diet.
- Proper exercise is highly recommended.
- Keep in touch with your doctor and keep following their instructions.