Upto 2 Years

By the age of 2 years, a parent should check for the following symptoms and in case of lacking criteria, one should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician.

General Screening

  • Observe if  the child says words.
  • Observe if the child walks backwards.
  • Observe if the child walks upstairs with any assistance
  • Observe if the child points to parts of the doll.

with Mother

  • Observe if the child runs up and down the stairs without help and if is able to ride a tricycle.
  • Observe if the child says three-word sentences like “Give me milk”.
  • Observe if the child’s answer to the test if the child knows his/her name and gender.
  • Examine if the child can name about ten common objects like furniture, food items or animals.
  • Observe if the child can stay dry by the day.
  • Give the child POTTY TRAINING.

Vision Screening

  • Show a picture of familiar objects and observe if the child matches on the key card.

Hearing Screening

  • Name the pictures on cards and ask the child to identify them. Examine if the child identifies them correctly.