Hormones are important, more than what you think.

A Female’s body consists of two hormones: Estrogen and Progesterone, with a mild presence of Testosterone. They decide your body’s functionality, and any imbalance in these can lead to severe adverse effects. According to the women specialist in Chandigarh, hormonal imbalance can adversely affect female health and lead to daily life difficulties. Problems like improper menses, pregnancy complications, acne, pigmentation, hair loss, improper breast growth, bloating, mood swings, etc. are a few of the consequences of hormonal disorder. Watch out for the symptoms and, if experienced any, treat them with immediate effect. 

What are the signs of Hormonal disorders?

Women's health issues symptoms depend upon the hormones and glands affected due to imbalance.

irregular menses

Irregular menses

Delayed, scanty, heavy, or painful menses; severe abdomen cramps

irregular body shapes

Irregular body shape

Inadequate or excessive breast development, weight gain, water retention, swelling, etc.

Skin conditions

Increased skin pigmentation on the face, neck, axilla, groins, etc.; pimples

skin conditions

Mood Swings

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) with extreme mood swings; excessive emotional behavior

mood swings
hair problems

Hair problems

Excessive hair loss, hair thinning, unusual hair growth on the face, arms, axilla

infertility 2


Complications in conceiving, infertility, unfortunate miscarriage

Factors that trigger the Imbalance

Balanced hormones are the key to healthy living, but at times, the balance gets affected due to –

  • poor lifestyle,
  • being overweight
  • unhealthy/ inconsistent diet and nutrition
  • birth control medications
  • disturbing surroundings,
  • thyroid (underactive, overactive)
  • stressful work environment,
  • diabetes
  • irregular sleep pattern
  • emotional distress,
  • genetics,
  • anorexia (eating disorder; related to figure image; underweight)
  • exposure to adulterated consumables,
  • pollutants, toxins like pesticides, excessive technology engagement, and much more.

The factors striking the disorder are many, and so is the list of repercussions they bring along. Hence, listen to the women specialist in Chandigarh and try Homeopathy for female health problems. Have a cautious attitude towards your lifestyle can bring in positive change and restore the balance.

Rukmani Sethi PCOD

Hormonal imbalance affects my performance at work which leads to my frustration and affects me as a whole.

Sehaj Gill Fibroids

Irregular and profound menses affect my everyday errands and restricts me from social outings at times.

Miss A Infertility

We have been trying for a baby for the past 4 years and now my marriage is disturbed because of the infertility.

Common Women's Health Problem due to Hormonal Disorder

Women experience several gynae problems due to fluctuations in hormones throughout the lifetime. These problems arise during puberty; menstruation; pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding; menopause, post-menopause, and pre-menopause.

PCOS / PCOD (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)

PCOD/PCOS is a widespread women's health problem marked by multiple cysts in ovaries.

Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian Cyst accumulates fluid within an ovary surrounded by a very thin wall and can twist, bleed, or rupture.


Uterine Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors developed in the uterus that cause tremendous agony due to profuse, protracted, and painful menses.


Infertility is the inability to conceive or become pregnant. Ladies specialists also classify frequent miscarriages as infertility.


In Endometriosis, cells from the lining of the womb (uterus) grow in other body areas, leading to pain and irregular bleeding.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

PID is an infection caused due to inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and ovaries. Several different types of bacteria and disturbed hormones may trigger it.

Effects of Female Hormonal Disorder


Irregular menses, low sex drive, severe mood swings, and more can lead to depression in females, followed by other sufferings.

Deprived Motherhood:

Infertility, miscarriages, lower egg productivity can deprive a female of her motherhood and cause further emotional trauma.


Lower Self-esteem:

Skin conditions like excessive pigmentation on the face, acne, pimples, low body development, and more can bring down confidence.

Professional downhill:

With improper health conditions and lower energy levels, one cannot perform well at work and adversely affect productivity levels.

Conventional approach towards the treatment

Artificial Hormones

These are induced in the form of contraceptive pills to treat the deficiency or irregularity.

Surgery Procedures

In case of ineffective results of artificial hormones, oral or injectables, a patient tends to fall for surgery and try achieving natural results with surgical procedures.

Removal of Organs

At times the body does not respond well to the surgical procedures, and at last, the patient loses her hope and goes for the removal of a particular organ.

Homeopathic approach towards treating Hormonal Imbalance

Natural healing

Homeopathy is a natural science of healing that helps your own body produce the desired hormones.

Holistic recovery

The best part of Homeopathy treatment is that it provides holistic recovery by strengthening the immunity from within to fight each disease.

No side-effects

With the use of natural substances, your body does not experience any side effects throughout the treatment.

Long lasting results

It takes longer to cure the disease, but the cure is permanent without any dependency or addiction, making Homeopathy for female health problems the best solution.

Why choose Homeoclinic for treating your hormonal disorders

At HomeoClinic, every female patient is individually assessed to determine her issues’ underlying cause and then prescribed with tailored medicines. For the patient’s monitoring, the doctors regularly use ultrasound and hormonal assay and scheduled clinical follow-ups to ensure the overall recovery. The women specialist in Chandigarh consults the patient to examine their stress levels and understand the mental suffering before prescribing the dose. We aim to act on your hormonal axis and help to synthesize the desired hormones naturally. Our medicines are not hormones, but they stimulate their usual production.

The women specialist in Chandigarh advises each procedure based upon the history of a patient and the treatment.