It is a skin disease that leads to scaly patches and rash with itchiness on the scalp, trunk, elbows, and knees. It is a general long-term disorder with no cure. At times, Psoriasis becomes painful and thus disrupts your sleep, making it difficult for you to concentrate. However, as there is no cure for the disorder, treatments are available to reduce and manage the symptoms.
- Phone: 9091925556
- Mon-Sat 10 AM - 7 PM
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“The clinic is lauded for its comprehensive treatment as the patient here is cured with heart and soul”
Contact Info (Chandigarh)
- SCO 172-173, Sector 9-C, Chandigarh. India 160009
- 0172-4659000/01-8727002444/01
- Mon-Sat (10am - 7pm)
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Info (Zirakpur)
- Ground Floor, Apple Heights Commercial Complex, VIP Rd, Zirakpur, Punjab
- +91-91707-04000
- Mon-Sat (11am - 8pm)
- Sunday: Closed