Fungal Infection

Homeopathic Medicine for Fungal Infection

Fungal Infection or mycosis is a skin disease caused due to fungus. It, being contagious in nature, can affect anyone and appear on several parts of the body. There are both harmful as well as beneficial fungus surrounding us. Some fungi, such as different types of mushrooms, yeasts, molds, Penicillium, etc., are helpful, whereas mushrooms like death cap, webcap, autumn skullcap, destroying angels, etc., are very harmful.

It occurs when the harmful fungus enters our body, and our body’s immune system cannot fight it. Allopathic, Ayurvedic, and Homeopathic medicine for fungal infection can offer relief from this disease.

Fungi can be single-celled or multicellular organisms. Some fungi species that generally thrive on dirt, water, plants, soil, air, household surfaces, and skin of living species can lead to skin problems like bumps or rashes. They reproduce by releasing spores that can spread through the air or by physical contact, and hence, this illness mainly affects skin, nails, and lungs.

If not treated timely, it can penetrate the skin, affect the organs and cause infectivity all over the body. Sometimes fungi that are usually present inside or on the body can multiply fast and cause severe illness. Similarly, the fungus that is generally not found inside or on the body can enter and take over, causing a disease. The harmful fungus can also be contracted from contaminated soil, infected animal, or infected objects such as comb, bedsheets, clothes, towels, etc.

So, if you develop any symptoms of such a disease, consult your doctor. Homeopathic medicine for fungal infection is highly recommended, which helps in restoring immunity and fight the illness.

Types of Fungal Infections

Although most fungi are safe for humans, some are exceptionally infectious and may even lead to the weakening of the immunity system. The harm caused to the human body can be in the form of –

  • athlete’s foot
  • ringworm
  • jock itch
  • yeast infection
  • nail fungus (Onychomycosis)

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Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot or tinea pedis is an infection that affects feet and can also affect hands and nails. Though it is most common in athletes’, sportspersons, others can also catch it as it mainly thrives in summer months, hot and humid. A moist and warm environment is perfect for fungi to grow and thrive. Thus, it is commonly found in sports equipment, swimming pools, shoes, socks, and public showers. People who wear sweaty socks or tight socks for long may also get such a disease.

Symptoms: –

Though the signs and symptoms may differ from person to person, some of the common ones are: –

  • peeling skin
  • scaly feet
  • itching
  • stinging
  • blisters
  • red, broken down or softened skin
  • burning sensation

Prevention: –

Some of the things that one can take care of to prevent such an illness are: –

  • Ensure that the feet get sufficient air
  • Wear clean and dry socks and change them regularly
  • Keep the feet clean
  • Always wear sandals or slippers whenever going to public bathing areas, washrooms, etc.

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Tinea corporis or ringworm is a skin infection caused by that type of fungus that lives on dead tissues. When this infectivity occurs in the feet, it is called an athlete’s foot, and when in the groin region, it is called a jock itch. However, when it appears on other body parts, it is referred to as a ringworm.

This illness can affect one’s skin and scalp and is likely to grow in damp and moist parts of the body. It can be identified by circular wheals all over the body.

Symptoms: –

The infection usually starts with an itchy and scaly rash, and when it increases, it forms red rings all over.

Other signs and symptoms include: –

  • Patches of blisters that may have puss
  • Bald patches on the scalp
  • Rings with red edges and itchy sensation
  • If the nails are affected, they appear cracked and discolored

The illness is easy to notice. However, if ignored, it can spread quickly and may get very itchy.

Prevention: –

Basic hygiene and some simple precautions can help in preventing this infection. For example: –

  • Keep your skin clean & dry
  • Do not go to public places like public washrooms, lockers, etc. barefoot
  • Wear clean and dry socks and change them regularly
  • Take a bath or dry yourself properly after sweating
  • Sportspersons should especially take care of their hygiene and use clean sports equipment

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Jock Itch

Another common fungal infection is Jock Itch. This type of fungi thrives in warm and damp parts of the body such as the groin, buttocks, and inner thighs and is more common during summers.

Being contagious, it is likely to spread from an infected object or person after direct contact. It appears as a red, itchy rash on the body, which is usually circular in shape.

Symptoms: –

The common symptoms of this disease are but not limited to: –

  • Red patches on inner thighs, groin, or buttocks
  • Scaling, itching, and burning sensation in the infected area
  • Circular rash with raised sides
  • Peeling of infected skin
  • Changes skin color in the affected area
  • Pain during exercise

Prevention: –

Just like other infections, the best way to prevent this disease is to maintain optimal personal hygiene. Other points one can note are: –

  • Wear clean and dry clothes every day
  • Do not wear clothes that are too tight, especially around the groin region
  • Take a bath or dry yourself properly after extreme sweating
  • Use a clean and dry towel

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Yeast Infection

Also known as cutaneous candidiasis, it is caused by a type of fungus called candida, which causes these infections when it grows too much.

This type of infectivity is not contagious, and like others, it is most common in warm and moist areas of the body like the groin and armpits. It may even occur in one’s mouth and is called oral thrush. It is common among obese and diabetic people. This type of fungus can cause diaper rash in infants. Homeopathic Medicine for Fungal Infection seek a doctor’s assistance, stabilize hormonal fluctuations and improve the standard of life, so you can seek the help of homeopathy and get relief from the issue.

In females, this fungus’ overgrowth disturbs the balance of the bacteria and yeast in the vagina, causing itching, burning sensation, etc. The overgrowth might occur due to reasons like Hormonal Imbalance, poor eating habits, poor hygiene, antibiotics, etc.

Symptoms: –

The signs of this type of illness may vary as per the location of occurrence. Some of them can be listed as below: –

  • Signs of a yeast infection on your skin include: –
  • Rash
  • Patches with puss like fluid
  • Pimple-like spots
  • Itching & Burning sensation
  • Signs of a yeast infection in your nail beds include: –
  • Swelling around the nail
  • Painful sensation
  • Pus-like fluid
  • A nail that turns yellow or white gets detached from the nailbed
  • Signs of thrush include: –
  • White and sore patches on the tongue and inner side of cheeks
  • Signs of a vaginal yeast infection in women include: –
  • White or yellow fluid-like discharge from the vagina
  • Itching & Burning sensation
  • Redness around the vagina

Prevention: –

To avoid this type of infectivity: –

  • Wear loose-fitting garments that are soft and preferably made of cotton
  • Follow a balanced diet
  • Maintain proper hygiene
  • Wear clean and dry clothes

Recommended reading: Children and the Immunity

Nail Fungus

Also known as Onychomycosis, this illness affects toenails, fingernails, and nail beds. It leads to yellow or white, brittle, cracked, and thick nails that get detached from the nail bed. It is more common in men and people with weak immune systems. It also impacts people who have diabetes. As such, the disease is not dangerous; however, it does affect the way a nail looks.

Symptoms: –

It starts with a spot-on nail and goes on to make the nail brittle and yellowish in color. Common signs include: –

  • Detaching nail from the nailbed
  • Scaling under the nail
  • Nail color changing to yellow or white
  • Flakiness of the nail
  • Nail becoming thick or brittle

Prevention: –

To prevent getting this fungus: –

  • Avoid walking barefoot in open & public areas
  • Keep your shoes and socks dry and clean
  • Always wear footwear that fit correctly (shoes that don’t press your toes)
  • Use antifungal powder

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, don’t delay and seek a doctor’s consultation. Homeopathic Medicine for Fungal Infection can be considered one of the best treatment options. Hence you can try homeopathy and get relief from the problem.

Be safe! Stay Healthy!


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