Homeopathic Clinic

Anaemia – Top Homeopathic Medicines for Anaemia

Anaemia is a medical condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, leading to…

9 hours ago

The Power of Hope!! – Based on a True Story

I was born with a heart defect. So the heart monitors, the leads and the wires were my acquaintances for…

4 months ago

Abortion or Miscarriage- Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Abortion

An abortion or miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before the fetus can survive outside the womb, typically occurring…

6 months ago

Angina Pectoris- 9 Best Homoeopathic Medicines

Angina pectoris is a condition caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle and characterized by chest pain or…

9 months ago

Sciatica – 9 best homeopathic medicines

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched. The cause is usually a herniated disk in the spine or an…

2 years ago

A Well-Balanced Diet for Short Height – Optimal Growth and Development of child

A balanced Diet is very essential for the body growth and it gives everything to your body for its proper…

2 years ago

6 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Teething

Teething is when your baby’s teeth start to come through their gum line. Another word for it is odonatists. Some…

2 years ago

Prevent PCOS with homeopathy – Best Doctors in Chandigarh

What is PCOS? Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is indeed a disorder in which female ovaries generate an inordinate quantity of…

3 years ago

What are Fistula and Fissure? Can they be treated using Homeopathy?

Fistula and Fissure explained, symptoms of the condition Fistula and Fissure are two anus related problems that are often confused…

3 years ago

Back Pain and Homeopathic Approach

Back pains are found in almost everyone. From teenagers to old people, we all may have at least once suffered…

3 years ago