
Homeopathy Medicines for Bruising

A bruise, or contusion, is skin discoloration from a skin or tissue injury. This injury damages blood vessels underneath the skin, causing them to leak.

When blood pools under the skin, it causes black, blue, purple, brown, or yellow discoloration. There’s no external bleeding unless the skin breaks open.

Types of bruises:

  • Hematoma: Trauma, such as a car accident or major fall, can cause severe bruising and skin and tissue damage. A hematoma is a collection of blood outside the blood vessels that causes pain and swelling.
  • Purpura: This type of bruising typically involves small bleeding that occurs under the skin.
  • Petechiae: These are pinpoint areas (less than 2 mm) of reddish dots on the skin that do not turn white after applying gentle pressure.
  • Senile purpura: As you age, your skin becomes thinner, dryer and more prone to tearing. Your skin also bruises more easily. This condition is known as senile purpura.
  • Black eye: A blow to the head can cause a black eye (or two black eyes). Blood and fluids pool under the eye. This condition causes swelling and a bruise, or discoloured ring, to form around the eye. A black eye can sometimes indicate a more serious eye injury, such as bleeding in the eye, or a facial fracture.

Is homeopathy effective for bruising?

Homeopathic remedies are widely believed to control bruising, reduce swelling and promote recovery after local trauma; many patients therefore take it perioperative.

What are the best homeopathic medicines for bruising?

Homeopathy has many medicines which can help people to get relief from bruising.

7 best homeopathic remedies for bruising.

Homeopathic medicine Symptoms Better Worse
Arnica Black and blue with
pain. Patient does
not like comforting
Lying down With heat and
Bellis May be associated
with boils
With local
application of cold
With heat and on
left side
Hamamellis Also used for
varicose veins
Rest In warm, moist air
Hypericum Often involves
blood and pain in
With rubbing In cold
Ledum Bruising lasts for some time Cold Warmth
Ruta grav May be associated
with soft tissue
Warmth and
Over-exertion and cold
Symphytum May be associated with bone injury Warmth Touch


None of the medicines mentioned including services, at should be used with clearance from your physician or healthcare provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered ‘incurable’ on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine. The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis.


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