
Catarrhal and Sinus Problems – 12 Best Homeopathic Medicines

Catarrh is a build-up of mucus in an airway or cavity of the body. Mucus is a slippery, fluid substance that the mucus glands in the nose and throat produce.

It helps moisten the nasal passages while trapping any debris, viruses, or bacteria a person inhales. This helps prevent pathogens from getting into the body, where they could cause an infection.

The body makes 1–2 quarts of mucus every day. After production, the mucus drips down the back of the nose and into the throat.

Usually, people swallow the mucus without thinking about it. However, sometimes, the mucus can build up in the nose, throat, or sinuses.

Catarrhal Symptoms

Some common symptoms of catarrh include:

  • a tickling feeling of mucus draining into the throat
  • rasping or gurgling when talking
  • feeling as though there is a lump in the throat
  • having to clear the throat frequently
  • coughing
  • having to swallow frequently
  • a sore throat
  • a blocked or stuffy nose
  • a headache
  • facial pain

Is homeopathy effective in catarrhal and sinus problems?

Homeopathic medicines can be of great help in the treatment of catarrhal and sinus problems. The natural Homeopathic mode of treatment aims at rebuilding the body’s immunity to catarrhal and sinusitis.

What are the best homeopathic medicines for catarrhal and sinus problems?

Homeopathy has many medicines for treating catarrhal and sinus problems. 12 Best medicines for catarrhal and sinus problems.

Homeopathic medicine Symptoms Better Worse
Ars iod Dry and hacking cough Open air Exertion
Cinnabaris Hoarseness Open air After walking
Hepar sulph Wheezing, possible association with asthma Moist air Cold dry air
Hydrastis Dry, harsh cough Dry weather Cold air
Lachesis Dry, tickly cough Open air After sleep
Kali bich Wheezing on waking.
Whooping-type cough
Heat Cold
Kali iod May cause difficulties
during the night due to
inability to lie down in
Cold air Heat
Mezereum Tightness in chest, may be associated with snoring Open air At night
Nat mur Shortness of breath and tickling cough Open air With exertion
Pulsatilla Dry cough in evening and at night In open air Heat
Pyrogenium Wheezing Heat (hot baths, hot drinks) Cold and motion
Sticta Sore throat and dry
hacking cough during
the night
In Open air Sudden changes of temperature


None of the medicines mentioned including services, at should be used with clearance from your physician or healthcare provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered ‘incurable’ on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine. The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis.


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